UrduDiabetes Blog About Diabetes,Diabetes in Pakistan Plate Method for Diabetes using Pakistani Food Style

Plate Method for Diabetes using Pakistani Food Style

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The Plate Method is a simple and effective way for people with diabetes to manage their portion sizes and ensure they are getting the right balance of nutrients in their meals. It involves dividing your plate into four sections, with two of the sections being filled with non-starchy vegetables, one section being filled with a protein source, and the final section being filled with a starchy carbohydrate.

In Pakistani cuisine, there are many delicious options that can fit into the Plate Method. For non-starchy vegetables, consider adding a side of sauteed spinach or okra, or a bowl of roasted eggplant. For protein, grilled chicken or lamb kabobs, or a serving of chickpeas in a curry dish, would be great options. For the carbohydrate section, basmati rice or chapati bread would be appropriate choices.

It’s important to remember that the Plate Method is just a guide, and it’s okay to adjust the proportions to fit your individual needs and preferences. For example, if you are particularly active, you may need to increase the size of your carbohydrate and protein sections. It’s also important to pay attention to the types of carbohydrates you choose, as some sources like white rice and white bread may have a higher glycemic index and cause a rapid increase in blood sugar levels. Opting for whole grain options like brown rice or whole wheat chapati can help to keep blood sugar levels more stable.

Overall, the Plate Method is a useful tool for people with diabetes to help them manage their meals and make healthier food choices. By incorporating a variety of Pakistani dishes into the mix, it’s possible to enjoy delicious meals that are both satisfying and supportive of blood sugar management.

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